Exploiting with Teja Kummarikuntla

Reuven M. Lerner: On Understanding the Crux of Consulting and Training

Guest Introduction:

Reuven is a full-time Python trainer. In a given year, he teaches courses at companies across the world, he created one of the first 100 Websites in the world just after graduating from MIT’s computer science department. He opened Lerner Consulting in 1995 and has been offering training services since 1996, as mentioned he holds a bachelor’s degree from MIT and a Ph.D. in learning sciences from Northwestern University. On top of all of that, he’s the author of the Book “Python Workout”, a collection of Python exercises with extensive explanations by Manning Publications. Reuven also runs a free weekly newsletter which I'm part of “Better Developers” and “trainer weekly”

Consulting and Training: https://lerner.co.il/
Book: https://www.manning.com/books/python-workout

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