Exploiting with Teja Kummarikuntla

Craig Dennis: On Becoming a Developer Educator

Guest Introduction:

Craig is a software teacher, backend developer, and self-taught polyglot who thrives in the deep end and loves doing what people say I can’t. Throughout his life, whether figuring out how to escape grues on Zork, automating PC installations, or creating site generation tools to empower admins, He has always subscribed to the growth mindset.
Craig is a huge supporter and incredible person who made coding fun. With a decade of software experience. Craig encourages learners of all skill levels to embrace the growth mindset.
On top of all of that, he’s a technology volunteer,  at Peace Corps and he’s someone so deep and down to the tech, making the world a better place with technology.

Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/craigsdennis/status/1259865336146358272?s=19
