Teja KummarikuntlaPrevious Episode
Miguel is the staff software engineer at Lockheed Martin and works on Reinforcement learning, Missiles, Fire control, and Autonomous Systems in Denver. He is a part-time Instructional Associate at Georgia Institute of Technology for the course in Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making. He developed the Actor-critic lectures for Udacity Deep Reinforcement learning Nanodegree. Miguel holds a Master’s degree in computer science specializing in interactive intelligence. On top of all of that, he’s the author of the incredible book “Grokking Deep Reinforcement Learning’. If you are the one looking to adopt self-learning and Reinforcement learning, this episode will definitely help you
Thank you so much for joining us Miguel.
You wanna write a blog post, the challenging part is to get your computer, right the first few words, once you beat that, that's it you're hooked, you're writing, you're writing horribly and then you're writing better and then you're writing awesome, right. So, it is very interesting because the challenge is not to write, the problem is like you go like, "Oh, but I need to go write this whole book", don't do that, don't write the whole book, just write three words.
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